Chicago’s Alexandra J. Megan Releases Luxury-Replica fendi handbag Selection
Usually flawless withinDior,France’s first lady (and previous supermodel, for those who’ve already been below a rock), Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, knows how to create a trend. But her most recent design arrives not through the hands of disposition designers, instead a stitching cooperative withinKhayelitsha,South Africa, wherever Bruni-Sarkozy was handed the multicoloured hessian and cotton fendi bag.
Therefore instead of aged gum wrappers and perfume examples (guilty) she stores: a wallet and business-card owner (Sterling & Burke, of course), house secrets, a mobile phone, natural lip gloss through Bobbi Brown, “Suspense” lipstick from Chanel, Ray-Ban tortoise wayfarer glasses, business cards within a card wallet, along with a extra hair tie. (And now you understand! )
Megan’s entire collection is available now within the Sterling & Burke website, and the replica fendi bags will be available at Frederick Lynn Haberdashhere beginning next month. Choose items will also be showcased quickly within the style application Solely.